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YAY FIRST POST!!! For my first  post ever, I would love to set the tone for this entire blog...POSITIVITY. It is crazy to think that just this one word can change every aspect of life and how you view it. Amazing to think that waking up first thing in the morning with a positive outlook can change how the day goes for not only you, but other people as well. In a world full of different opinions, views, dreams, goals, relationships and people, everyone can agree that a positive outlook affects each of these. Now, I want you to imagine your dream goal that you imagine is a part of your dream life. Think about how you would achieve it. Good. You probably thought of what you would do to achieve your goal, a crash course is assumed here. Did you think of what steps were needed to reach these goals or maybe you thought of what was standing in your way? Ahh yes the second one is where the negativity kicks in to where you allow yourself to accept the "what ifs" or "I could never do that". This is where you are wrong if you believed so. However, if you were thinking of the first thought, you are where you should be to lead this positive life. Instead of thinking of what obstacles are in your way or that you do not have the strengths to succeed, think of the steps you plan to do to succeed and meet your goal and refuse to let people or life get in the way of your dream. Your mind is in control of your life, your happiness, your drive and motivation, no one else. Yes, some goals may take longer than others but that does not mean you should give up on any of them or assume that you will never reach it. So the take away from this entire positivity speech is to wake up each day choosing to be your best self, forgiving people, loving people, supporting people, and above all loving yourself. Your mind should be used as a tool, not to break you, but to build you up. 

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