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Let’s cut right to the chase--what we are told about how life is a complete lie because it is all up to us to decide what is good and bad. How can people say life is bad when they do not even understand what a good life is? Is life really bad? Or is the perception we have about life bad? Hmmm… what if we all thought life was good, or what if we all thought life was great?! WHAT IF WE ALL THOUGHT LIFE WAS GREAT? Can you imagine how amazing the world would be if we all decided to not let our past nor current situations impact what we define as a good or great life? I feel like today, everyone is saying life is bad. Who said that first off? I know I sure did not, my friend didn’t either, so who in the world is being so negative that we can all be so easily convinced that life is bad?? Maybe that is why life is so good actually. Life is so amazing and wonderful that we have the ability to convince people about one side or the other. Crazy. I think that if you stay on your phone all day, observe what the media is saying and depicting all day, then you may feel that everything is bad. However, if you go out into the world, you will quickly come to the realization that life is actually amazing. WOW. I know it has been forever since you have probably heard that, but what good does saying or believing life is bad do? NOTHING.


Moreover, what makes life even more wonderful is that we ALL have problems. WE ALL DO. I cannot think of anything more wonderful than that. What if we could all just express our problems and stop pretending like they do not exist because by pretending we live perfect lives we lose legitimacy and credibility. We have conditioned our society to believe that everyone should be perfect, beautiful, with chiseled abs, but in reality, to hangout with people who have great hearts and personalities, that is where we get our liveliness from. When did life become all about bad anyways? Bad relationships, bad grades, bad classes, bad friends, bad situations, bad EVERYTHING. I mean do you really think the world is bad or is your mindset bad?! THAT IS WHAT IT IS. Your mindset. If you start everyday believing the world is so bad and that you are never going anywhere then guess what? That will be your day. On the other hand, if you start each day saying, “How can I do good today for others?” then your day will be good, or at least you tried and there is a significant reward from that approach. From my own personal experience, I talk to the majority of people I encounter, and I have NEVER met anyone who was hurtful towards me. That is the insanity about this bad concept, in that the world is not bad. The world is great and wonderful, but it is dependent upon your attitudes and perceptions. If everyone woke up each day remembering that serving others gives the highest reward that a human can give over money and tangible things, then this world would not have to debate for a second that it is amazing.

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